
  1. 請至少于從旅游日起至少提前兩周,最多提前兩個月前報名,除此其間外不與受理。
  2. 一律謝絕如旅行社的委托等商業行性質的導游。
  3. 每組旅客衹能申請一天的導游。
  4. 我方僅在能夠派遣適當的導游時,提供導游服務。
  5. 如果在游客期望的截止日期前,我方沒有向游客通知導游的性名,則意味着本次導游服務無法提供,敬請諒解。
  6. 導游服務均為免費,導游的門票,交通費,飲食費等由游客承擔。
  7. 導游的時間是從9:00到17:00。請嚴格尊守集合時間。游客遲到的情況下,導游也將在指定時間過後等候20分鐘。
  8. 我們在導遊過程中使用的交通工具僅限於電車,巴士和計程車。禁止乘坐顧客駕駛的汽車和租賃的汽車。
  9. 導游服務過程中發生的任何事故和損傷,KGGN和當值導游均不承擔任何責任。
  10. 若同一天當中有多組游客行走同一個旅游路線,則KGGN可能將各組合并。
  11. 請無重復不必要的預訂。
  12. 衹有游客接受上述的條件,我方才能派遣導游。
  1. Submit this application no later than 2 weeks and no earlier than 2 months prior to your visit. We cannot accept it outside this period.(Japan Time)
  2. We do not provide services for commercial businesses such as travel agencies.
  3. You can apply for these services only for one day per group.
  4. Our services will only be available to you if we can find an appropriate guide.
  5. If you have not received a response from KGGN with the name of your guide by the designated deadline, this indicates that we cannot provide you with our services on the occasion in question.
  6. Our services are free of charge. They are, however, given on the understanding that applicants will pay all expenses for the guide - such as entrance fees and cost of transportation and food & drink, etc.
  7. Our services are available 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Please be punctual, the guides are required to wait only 20 minutes for late arriving clients.
  8. The only modes of transportation that we make use of during the guided tours are bus, taxi and train. Driving personal and rented cars is prohibited.
  9. Neither KGGN nor its guides can be held responsible for accidents or damage incurred while using KGGN services.
  10. If more than 1 group is going on the same tour, KGGN may combine groups.
  11. Please do not make multiple reservation for unnecessary guide.
  12. Our services can only be made available if you agree to comply with KGGN terms.